Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Useful Insights about How People View Websites and Mobile

Do you know what the first thing a user is drawn to on any given website? How about what the first thing a user will click on or skip over? Who doesn’t love a good eye-tracking study? With the ability to take a lot of guesswork out of conversion rate optimization, eye-tracking software and heat maps reveal startling insights into increasing conversions (and avoiding sales killers) that can benefit every business.
It may surprise you, but most people read websites and web content in a very specific pattern. Understanding this pattern may help you easily improve the usability and popularity of your website.
So, let’s go over 15 important eye-tracking studies that will give you a sneak peek into common browsing patterns and elements of human behavior that all marketers need to know.
Let’s take a look!
  1. Text attracts more attention than pictures.
  1. People start viewing your website from the top left corner.
  1. Readers ignore banners.
  1. Fancy fonts are ignored.
  1. People only scan the lower parts of your website.
  1. Short paragraphs work better than long ones.
  1. Ads, that are placed on the top or left part of your website, get the most views.
  1. Ads, that are placed inside or below an awesome piece of content, get more views.
  1. Big pictures attract more attention than small ones.
  1. Also headlines draw attention.
  1. Visitors spend more time looking at menus and buttons than other parts of your website.
  1. Lists are better at keeping your reader focused than large paragraphs.
  1. Some people even completely ignore large chunks of text.
  1. White space is good!
  1. Menu works best when placed in the top part of your website. 
5 Facts on How People View Mobile Web:
  1. The reader’s attention is focused more on the top left corner of a screen.
  1. Keep your content short & simple. Reading long paragraphs needs concentration, which is something that mobile users don’t have.
  1. Users pay most attention on the top 2/3 of the screen.
  1. Mobile phone users absorb visuals more than text or content. (But if an image doesn’t supplement your content, you can do away with it).
  1. Short, but hard-hitting headlines draw more attention. Make your headlines count.
Read more about how to make user-friendly mobile website here.
There you go. Some points from this list are pretty basic and elementary (perhaps obvious), but a good reminder never hurts. So the next time when you’re writing an awesome piece of content, or building your new website, keep these points in mind.
Like this post? Read more at http://steverenner.com/blog-2/

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