Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Staying Focused at Work During the Holidays

It’s the holiday season and for many, this time of year can lead to burnout or just a general lack of motivation. Expectations can be high in both professional and personal lives, so it’s important to stay balanced. I have a few tricks that I use to stay focused this time of year, that help keep morale high and keep me working hard. Try some out and see what works for you.
Make A Checklist
Keeping track of what you need to accomplish is important at anytime, but at the holidays when your thoughts can be in a million places it’s helpful to have a way to look at the big picture and be able to cross things off of it to feel like you’re moving forward in your responsibilities.
Take Time Off
If you are able, take some days off that you can use just for yourself to clear your head, not just days off to celebrate the holidays. It’s easy to get caught up with parties, and events and family obligations, but the constant commitments can make it feel like your schedule is more full than it is. Take a day or two to feel a little less weighted down.
Plan Events With Your Co-Workers
Teams can often feel disconnected during the holidays when people are gone or distracted. Plan a gift exchange, an outing or a whole office party to ramp up the community feeling and reconnect with those around you. My team just celebrated at our office holiday event last week!
Don’t Multitask
Work on one project at a time. Having multiple projects going on at once makes your workload feel triple the amount it is, and you do better work when you are only focused on one aspect. When you need a break from one thing, move to your next project and so on, but commit to only having one thing going at a time. You get more done and your work seems less daunting.
Commit To The Holiday Spirit
Being positive during the holidays isn’t easy for everyone, but by having a good attitude and positive outlook you not only make yourself positive, but also those around you. Keep the mood light and help others that may be having a hard time as well.
The days leading up to the holidays can either fly by or take forever to get through, but you can make them productive regardless. Let me know how you stay motivated in the comment section below.
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