Thursday, January 19, 2017

PR Tips for 2017

How important to your business or personal image is public relations? In the digitally focused world we live in, PR and and reputation management are more important than ever when it comes to growing your business and staying relevant to your audience. These are some insider tips on how to both improve upon and understand your PR strategy this year.
Know the Value: Earned Media versus Paid Media
Build up your reputation and your content by building up relationships with other influencers. The more influence you have the less you have to pay to get your name or brand noticed as a thought leader. This is especially important this year as the fake news conundrum continues and reputation management grows in importance.  By connecting with others and networking your worth as a credible authority on the topics you know about you are a much more reliable source of information which will allow for you to pay less to gain more publicity.
Not Just For Marketing Anymore: Native Advertising
An extremely valuable tool to your marketing strategy, Native Advertising is useful for PR as well. By paying to place an advertisement within a publication you can increase readership and  engagement. Match a publication’s content with the information that you would put out in a typical release for truly effective and subtle promotional content. There are rules set forth for disclosure, but this is sure to be a highly effective means of PR this year.
Being the Best: Executive Thought Leadership
Everyone knows that thought leadership is one of the first things that companies, individuals and publications try to promote, but it isn’t always easy to execute this. Combine knowledge from bosses or clients’ industries with trending topics to  become relevant and knowledgeable to others in your field and beyond.  In 2017 this could be as important to your image as influencer marketing.
The Standard: Influencer Marketing
A recent Nielsen survey reported that 92% of the population would trust a recommendation from someone perceived as an influencer on social media or otherwise over what a brand itself may say. With that being said, without strong relationships with influencers that can further your brand, you are going to be starting from further behind than you may have in previous years.  Pitch to influencers often, with useful and relevant content and make sure to customize your search to those who are important in your specific vertical. This Forbes article is a great jumping off point for those who are unfamiliar with this tactic.
Numbers Game: Data Driven Reports
Data collection is becoming easier and easier, and with internet processes and online PR tactics more data is available to really shape your public image. You can learn more about your audience and shape your strategies around demographics, types of popular content you have posted in the past and trends of online activity within your audience to find when you should be posting most effectively.
Traditional PR may not be the standard anymore, but the benefits of using public relations and reputation management strategies are far too important to simply cut PR efforts completely.  Implementing these strategies into your marketing plan is just the beginning!

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