Monday, July 11, 2016

8 Tips for Crafting Successful Social Media for Your Business

Let’s face it: Social media is a business. Ubiquitous “Instagram Celebrities” aside, your social media platforms, when utilized correctly and strategically, can do wonders for your brand. Using social media, entrepreneurs can increase brand recognition through syndicating content and building visibility; improve brand loyalty by engaging with customers; increase conversion opportunities by organically interacting with customers and potential customers as your following grows; and more.
Here, we’ll explore some expert tips on how to build successful social media for your business.
Tip #1: Should you be on social media? If so, where?
Not every business should be on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Snapchat, or Instagram, Different social media platforms work better for different businesses. Establish your target demographic, their preferred social media platform, and then decide where your highest payoff will be.
Tip #2: Nail down your social media goals.
It’s always a good idea to start with a plan. Once you’ve decided what your best social media platforms will be, planning ahead is the way to consistent audience engagement. Here are a few good jumping off points:
  • Create/increase brand awareness
  • Increase digital footprint
  • Show off expertise
  • Build within your community
  • Build new partnerships/strengthen existing partnerships
  • Provide customer service
  • Original, relevant content
Tip #3: Define your audience. Who do you want following your business?
Not all social media platforms are made the same—for a reason. What works for twenty-something-year-old fashionistas (Pinterest, Instagram), doesn’t necessarily apply to tweens, teens, and in-betweens (Snapchat, Kik). Location and timing are other factors in determining your target audience. Are most of your customers on the West Coast? Schedule posts that fit when they’ll check their feeds. But don’t over do it—more than three updates throughout the day might tip over into annoyance.
Step #4: Content, Content, Content! Don’t make the mistake of skimping on original, pertinent images and writing.
Be an expert on your business. Offer insightful knowledge about your company values, what you do, and what you’re interested in. Showing a unique personality is key in distinguishing your company from the rest. Keep it casual. Presenting a friendly, approachable atmosphere for your customers makes it easier for them to respond.
Skip the stock photos. Maximize your efforts by investing in a top-quality production team. Customers want to see your business, thriving, and in vivid color.
Tip #5: Ditch the sales pitch!
No one likes to feel like they’re being sold something. In today’s modern world people appreciate a company that values both quality in their products and principles. Establish long-term relationships with your customers by building their trust. Be authentic and they’ll be more receptive down the road. Here are a few pointers on how to sell without really selling:
  • Make customers feel special
  • Share your secrets
  • Tap into their desires
  • Tell stories
  • Be conversational
Tip #6: Engage with your audience as often as possible.
There’s nothing worse than having your needs ignored. Whether a comment left by a customer is positive or negative, it’s important that your company is responding accordingly. Your presence online is a direct reflection of your business practices and followers want to see that they are top priority.
Tip #7: Be mobile ready.
By now, most people have a smartphone or tablet. With half a billion Facebook users primarily using their phone, you want to move right along with them. Making sure your site is fully optimized for all mobile devices ensures ample accessibility.
Tip #8: Remember that social media is an adventure.
Social media is a great way to showcase the humanity behind the work. Don’t get hung up on being perfect. No one is and you’re no exception. Be creative, be knowledgeable and most of all: have fun!

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