Thursday, July 28, 2016

A Cost-Effective Guide on How to Rank in Google Apps

So, you developed an app. Consequently, you’ll want it to rank well with Google. You may be thinking it’ll cost you an arm and a leg, not to mention thousands of dollars. Fortunately, it is possible to rank well without going broke. Here’s how:
For starters, keep your eye on the prize. It’s important to understand the value of being ranked in the top 10. It’s estimated that in order to do so, your app must be downloaded at least 15,000 times and installed up to 25,000 times a day to make it even close to the top. Seems daunting? Luckily, with the use of social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, marketing your app is much easier. Try exposing your app via social media outlets (paying smaller amounts for ad space) and watch you app gain traffic over time.
Respect the launch window. New apps tend to rank easier because users are always searching to try new things. This gives you a window to capture their attention. Try allowing users to test a demo of your app during this time.
Keep a close watch on user reviews. Although user reviews do not affect the backend of the ranking system, they do figure into whether or not new users will want to download your app. Make an effort to speak with your audience, answer their questions, and inform them on any changes. If the review is negative, be sure to address the issue in a respectful, attentive manner. The worst mistake you can make is ignoring a bad review. Do your best to resolve the matter, and show new and existing users that you are there to help them.
Make it freemium. People can use the app for free, but switch over to a premium option for even more features and items. Don’t make the mistake of putting a price on your app too early. Users tend not to invest in something they know nothing about.
Be mobile ready. Make certain your app is compatible with a variety of devices, such as an iPad, tablet, iPhone, Android, desktop, and laptop. By allowing users to access your app on multiple devices, you will increase your app’s install percentage.
Enhance your visibility by implementing effective search engine optimization techniques. Practice proper SEO techniques by using keywords and phrases that uniquely represent your app. When done correctly, people who search for those keywords can effectively appear in the top search results. SEO is an important department all on its own and can take some time and energy. Therefore tools such as Google Keyword Planner are a great help in choosing appropriate keywords.
In conclusion, reaching the top ranks in Google Apps takes a lot of time, energy, and some money, but the rewards are high if you keep at it. Finding a proper marketing solution is your first step. Create a product that speaks to an audience and use the guide provided!
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