Friday, July 15, 2016

Know Your Basics: How to Drive Traffic to Your Site

There’s no secret to driving visitors to your website. Without refreshing content and a strategic marketing plan, you’ll likely hear crickets. Having a plan may sound overwhelming at first, but with a few key elements your site is sure to grow in no time. Let’s take a look at some basic marketing fundamentals:
First off, fresh content is indispensable.
Writing informative, inspiring articles and blog posts are your bread and butter. Keep posts fresh by switching the format from long and descriptive, to short and sweet. Lists are also a great way to catch and hold a visitor’s attention.
Do your research about trending topics and put your own spin on it. It’s okay to be opinionated—that’s what will make you stand out. Always take the opportunity to engage with your readers. Ask them what they think, too, and what they’d like to read from you.
Reinforce your content with compelling photos, videos, and graphics. Posting a nice balance of both original and shared multimedia is a great way to stay connected. Make certain they are eye-catching and synonymous to your content.
Get social. Decide which social media platform works for your business. Is your company tech-heavy? Facebook and Twitter might be your best option. Design-based? Instagram and Tumblr provide amazing gallery features. With any platform, make certain you are posting regularly and engaging with your followers. Scheduling software makes it easier than ever to post automatically at optimal times of the day. Here are a few other handy tips for excellent social networking:
  • Share posts from fellow bloggers, tweeters, and Instagrammers
  • Include social sharing buttons on every post
  • Reply to comments and emails
  • Collaborate with other bloggers to produce content
  • Don’t forget to hashtag! 
Master the ins and outs of SEO. Stay ahead of the curve by becoming familiar with search engine optimization. So what is SEO and why is it so important?
In short, SEO are words and phrases respective to your site that ensures detection by search engines—Google, for example. With that in mind, the more valuable the content and easier it is to share, the better your chances are at being discovered and ranked. A good ranking increases your visibility and thus brings in more traffic to your site.
There are a hundred ways to increase traffic to your website, but getting down the basics is a great jumping off point. The aforementioned should be enough to get started. Other great tips include, but are not limited to:
  • Review products and share them with other brands
  • Include a link to your RSS feed
  • Add links to your most popular post on your sidebar
  • Run a blog giveaway or competition
  • Optimize your website for mobile
  • Include a search function
  • Buy a pay-per-click service (Adwords)
  • Create an app!
Explore your options and see what works best for your company. It’s better to excel in two or three fundamentals than risk quality control dabbling in a smattering of applications.

Read more about digital marketing and technology HERE

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