Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Engagement Insights For Facebook Business Pages

In January, Facebook announced a change to its news feed algorithm that would prioritize personal content from family and friends over content from Pages, which caused panic for many businesses that rely on Page engagement for growing their brand and generating new leads. Buffer and BuzzSumo collaborated to analyze 43 million posts from the pages of the top 20,000 brands on Facebook, and this is what they found.
Page Engagement has dropped
It was broadly assumed that with the algorithmic changes there would be a decrease in brand engagement, but the amount of decline was up in the air. Now, after the changes, Buffer’s study discovered that engagement on brand pages has dropped over 50%, with post engagement falling nearly two-thirds from where it had been previously.
Page types hit with a drop in engagement
The study ranked ten-page categories to determine which type of page was hit with the largest engagement drop. Artist Pages were found to be affected the most with a 70.6% drop in engagement, and retail Pages were affected the least with less than a 50% drop.
Pictures not video content
There has been a huge push for video content, and Facebook is leading the charge on that with a focus on live video and original content streaming (both live and pre-recorded) through Facebook (Watch, IGTV); but this study found that the content that received the highest engagement was not video, but images. Despite that, interaction for all content types is down, with an over 63% drop in average per post engagement.
Post volume to combat decreased engagement
In the last year, the analyzed Pages have posted more content with posts per quarter up to 8.1 million from 6.5 million, which is a 24% increase. Quantity vs quality is still a hot debate, but there is a sweet spot for getting noticed.
How many times to post in a day
In that same vein, there are findings related to how frequently pages post and the following per post engagement as well as overall page engagement. The study found that Pages posting less than one time a day have the highest per-post engagement, but also have the lowest overall engagement. The optimal number of posts for longterm overall Page engagement was found to be right around 5 posts per day. This is not an end all be all strategy, but might be a good thing to try if you are looking to boost long-term metrics.
Learn more about what the analysis uncovered and read the full study here.
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