Tuesday, May 9, 2017

5 Rules of Social Media

Every marketer has their own set of rules they live by for managing their social media presence. Maintaining strong and relevant social media can be difficult, but keeping these rules in mind as you move forward and develop your social strategy will ensure that you continue to grow your audience and influence.
1. Create Meaningful Content
Your content will be what engages and draws in your audience, so make sure that it is not only relevant but impressive as well. Using multiple types of content has proven to be the most effective strategy for many. Video, text, photos and infographics are all going to diversify what your profile looks like to your audience. In fact, posting different types of content can even grow your online reach and audience engagement.
2. Reach Out To Influencers
If traditional marketing efforts are not working as well as you may hope, or if things are working well but you’d like to continue to modify your strategy to be the most effective it can be, influencer marketing may be the next step. Influencers can validate your content, add their insights and grow your audience by exposing their own followers to your content and directing them back to your pages.
3. Build Relationships With Followers
If you have followers that leave you messages or comments, engage with them to get to the bottom of what you are doing right or what you can be doing better. From these relationships you can garner a better idea of who your followers are, what they want to see and how you can make the experience of your content more attractive to viewers. Companies that engage with their customer base have improved customer loyalty, simply because they are viewed as being more customer focused.
4. Post Consistently
You will notice that on pages with high engagement, reach and popularity, posts happen on a consistent basis. This is especially important when you are first starting out, as people that are finding your pages will expect there to be content, and for the content to appear on at least a semi-regular basis. If you are only posting once a quarter you are not allowing social to be used to it’s full potential. Ideal post frequencies can be found here.
5. Double Check Before Posting
Make sure that your content is accurate, doesn’t represent false facts and doesn’t act against the stance that you are trying to present. Double checking this is as important as double checking your spelling and grammar. One misstep can land you in the news and not for the reasons you would like. Besides maintaining professionalism, making sure your content won’t hurt you rather than help you is very important.
Social media is a great tool for your business, but there are absolutely right and wrong ways to go about how you use social platforms to grow and communicate. Use it the right way and you increase influence, grow your business, and have better and more personal customer/client relationships. Use it the wrong way and you can end up with a profile that gets no engagement, reaches none of your customers, and doesn’t move your business forward.
What social media rules do you and your business follow to reach optimum success levels?
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