Thursday, September 8, 2016

Inspiring TED Talks for the Internet Marketer

TED, an acronym for Technology, Entertainment, and Design is a set of global conferences run by the private, nonprofit Sapling Foundation. Under the slogan, “Ideas Worth Spreading”, TED talks address a wide range of subjects “within the research and practice of science and culture, often through storytelling.” These talks are offered for free viewing online at, YouTube, and also via their mobile app. Many talks are lead by the biggest thinkers of our time such as, Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, Jane Goodall, and more. Only about 18-minutes long, they make for great listening during work commutes, coffee breaks or eating lunch.
TED archives feature a variety of topics ranging from jaw dropping new technologies to postmodern realizations. They also include amazing ideas about Internet marketing for the small and large business owner. Ideas people can actually implement into their business plans. So, without further ado, here are the 5 best TED Talks on marketing:
1. Seth Godin: How to Get Your Ideas to Spread
Marketing guru Seth Godin tells us why bizarre ideas are more successful at getting our attention then boring ones. He says that marketing is less about the product and more about the sales strategy—how you get an idea to spread.

2. Sheena Iyengar: How to Make Choosing Easier
Psycho-economist Sheena Iyengar reveals that when consumers have too many options, they often will purchase fewer products and become less engaged. Iyngar demonstrates how businesses can improve the experiences of choosing with four techniques: cut, concretization, categorization, and condition for complexity.

3. John Gerzema: The Post-Crisis Consumer
Marketing whiz John Gerzema tells us how ever since the “The Great Unwind” of 2008 (a.k.a the U.S. financial crisis), consumers purchasing habits have changed from anxiety to action. Essentially, less spending money means consumers now choose products that are intuitive to their needs. Gerzema reveals how businesses can and have evolved to connect with thoughtful spending.

4. Malcolm Gladwell: Choice, Happiness, and Spaghetti Sauce
In this TED talk, bestselling author of “Blink” and “The Tipping Point”, Malcolm Gladwell shows us the nature of choice and happiness. He reveals that by embracing diversity of taste and preferences, businesses can discover a niche market that can increase sales.

5. Dan Cobley: What Physics Taught Me About Marketing
This remarkable marketing presentation by Google Marketing Director, Dan Cobley shows how the laws of physics resemble basic marketing concepts, for example: acceleration equals force over mass. He brings unlikely bedfellows—Newton’s second law, Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, the scientific method and the second law of thermodynamics—to explain the fundamental theories of branding.
If these talks don’t inspire your own marketing techniques, perhaps you’re in the wrong business. I have found them to be personally invigorating—like diving into an icy bath of revelation. If you’re like me and want to hear more motivating talks on marketing visit What are some of your favorite talks?
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