Friday, September 30, 2016

Best-Selling Book Announcement: Professional Performance 360: Special Edition: Success

“Together We Can Change The World” —Steve Renner
Steve Renner, Internet marketing pioneer, motivational speaker, and “member of the National Academy Of Best Selling Authors”, decided long ago that he “wanted to be an Internet Service provider.”
“When I look back on my life over the last 17 years,” says Steve, “it’s like I have always been on this Quest. I’ve always been searching for something, although I may not know exactly what it will be until I get there.”
“[T]hrough sheer hard work, determination, and a burning desire to succeed,” he continues, “I have build a successful global business, and achieved personal financial success far beyond my wildest expectations.”
Apart from being an Internet marketing pioneer, Steve is also an avid and skilled writer.
Says Steve: “One of my passions is writing. So, I have joined the efforts of other authors to share my insights and the ‘my learnings’.”
Now, Steve joins fellow luminaries Richard Bronson, Pa Joof, Perminder Chohan, Ken Nunn, Betsi Bixby, Nosh Marzbani, and many others to bring you more of his “my learnings” in an essential marketing bible, Professional Performance 360: Special Edition: Success(CelebrityPress® LLC, 2016), available now for $34.99 on Amazon.
“And I know as sure as I am standing here today, that I know that I will make this dream a reality.”
What’s more, when you buy the book, “you’ll get hundreds of dollars of bonuses.”
Professional Performance 360: Special Edition: Success is much more than a book; it’s a lifestyle, a guru. The invaluable knowledge gathered in Professional Performance 360: Special Edition: Success will provide YOU with the tools to excel in this ever-changing industry.
Or, like contributor Napolean Hill eloquently puts it: “You can succeed best and quickest by helping others to succeed.”
Perhaps the Professional Performance 360: Special Edition: Success official description says it best: “The reader may note that it is no different mindset to set aspirations for lofty goals or down-to-earth ones. In fact, some experts need to work their way up to higher goals while others have a mindset to go for broke-and both make it work!”
Steve is honored to be part of this incredible, life-changing volume.
“Seventeen years ago,” he says, “I started with a dream to help people to improve their lives with the power of the Internet. I am living proof that you achieve your dreams; and if I can do it I know that anyone can. Now the future is up to you. Follow your dreams, and never give up, and you can make your dreams a reality.”
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