Friday, September 2, 2016

Tips on How to Use Facebook Live for Business

Earlier this year, Facebook launched a new way to promote video content in the News Feed. Facebook Live, previously only accessible by celebrities, now allows anyone to stream live video from their mobile devices right to their page. Much like Snapchat and now the popular Instagram Stories, Facebook Live is another great way for a brand to build an authentic relationship with their customers using video. Except, you’re videos won’t disappear. You can use it to answer FAQs, increase engagement or general content marketing purposes.
Check out more reasons to love Facebook Live in my previous post: Facebook Live for Business.
So, how does Facebook Live work? Facebook allows users to use Facebook Live as a publishing tool right from their mobile device. They have recently announced that you can now you use your own video software or hardware to create professional looking video content, but we’re going to focus on the former in this post:
Step 1
From your status bar, tap the “Live” icon at the bottom of the post.
Step 2
When prompted, allow Facebook access to your microphone and camera.
Step 3
After you hit “Continue”, choose your privacy settings. If you’re a brand, you’ll want to make it public. But if you’re just testing it out, you can set it to “Only Me”, which you can always switch later.
Step 4
Write an interesting description of what is about to broadcasted. This will show up in your followers’ New Feed as per usual. But to get people to tune in, make sure the description has some sort of call-to-action or eye-catching exclamatory.
Step 5
Make certain, before clicking “Go Live”, that your camera is pointing towards you.
Step 6
Then, click the “Go Live” button to begin broadcasting live. Facebook will give you a 3 second countdown to prepare yourself. Just as soon as you begin streaming, you live video will pop up in your News Feed and others. Your video can be up to 90 minutes long.
Step 7
In order to keep your viewers engaged and entertained, interact with them throughout the streaming process. Try speaking to them directly and then reading their responses in the comments section, or Twitter, or text. Or you can respond to them from another computer if that works for you.
If you need to, you can block viewers during a live broadcast by tapping their profile picture and tapping “Block.”
Step 8
Tap “Finish” to end the broadcast. Your post will automatically remain on your Timeline or Page as usual.
Extra Tip
Save the video to your camera roll. This way, you can use it for later purposes.
Now that you understand how to broadcast a video, here are a few tips on how to analyze your video’s performance. From the “Insights” tab you can see how Facebook Live allows users to analyze minutes viewed, unique viewers, video views, 10-second views, and average % completion, plus peak live viewers, people reached, reactions, comments, and shares. You can also click on individual metrics to see how the numbers changed over time.
Hopefully this guide will get you started with Facebook Live on the right foot. It truly is an amazing way for brands to connect more deeply, and faster with their fans and followers.
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