Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Reading Rundown: What’s New in the Blogosphere?

You’ve got a very busy schedule, we know. That’s why I’m here to share with you the best of this week’s blog reading. Keeping up with the latest and greatest, after all, is a huge part of being a good marketer. So, without further ado, the top articles from the world of blogging:
Here we learn about a few handy marketing gadgets to help marketers stay automated, intelligent and continuous with customer interactions. All have graphical interfaces and most require no programming.
Building content isn’t enough to gain a following. Enter native advertising; a form of paid media where the ad experience follows the natural form and function of the user experience in which it is placed. Although controversial, the largest platforms in the world monetize with native, in-feed ads, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr. Why? 25% more consumers see them when using social platforms, they’re viewed as editorial not advertorial, 87% of mobile media buyers report that native ads are effective at achieving branding goals, and native ads registered at 18% higher lift in purchase intent than banner ads. So, is there room for this kind of marketing today?
There’s no going back. Every business uses social media in some way or another. With highly targeted advertising is a reality, organic marketing is a possibility, real-time customer service, flexibility in content dissemination, it’s no wonder social media has impacted the way we do businesses. And for the most part, it’s been positive.
Are you making the best out of your Twitter feed? Ann Smarty from the Internet Marketing Ninjas offers us insight into how we can effectively utilize our new or preexisting Twitter account. It is, after all, a world of opportunites ina single open platform.
TopRank Marketing CEO Lee Odden tells us that “social networks enable people to share their interests and passions, create content and connect with like-minded people to form communities. Brands that share values with those communities can tap their collective influence by collaborating with members to co-create content.” He also shares a few steps to social influence with content.
In this article we learn how to overcome the demise of organic reach on Facebook and how the platform can still be an effective marketing tool. The good news is Facebook marketing is still cheap compared to other media buys and marketing avenues, Facebook insights are amazing, it’s the perfect testing ground for small budgets. There’s a lot to learn from this piece—why nobody likes being sold vacuums at barbeques and why you shouldn’t break your back trying to make big changes in your non-paid i.e. organic Facebook reach.
Columnist Conrad Saam reveals studies how high-end link building has an immediate and persistent positive impact. With only four data studies, he shows us how we can dramatically improve a site’s online presence and traffic performance through high-quality links.
Instagram’s new moderation tool allows users to filter out words they find inappropriate. Users can create their own blacklist of ill-suited terms, or select a default list of words IG has already identified as problematic. This feature helps stop abuse before it actually happens, providing a more balanced movement against trolls.
There you have it, a run down of what’s shaking in the world of internet marketing. Stay tuned next week for another comprehensive list of great articles to catch up on. What are some blogs you’ve been paying attention to you lately?
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