Wednesday, October 5, 2016

How Small Businesses Can Use Video to Boost Success

If you are marketing for a small business, you’re sure to have a lot on your plate. From juggling social media campaigns to content creation, there is sure to be a high stack of tools you use on a daily basis. Not to throw you off balance, but there is one more tool to consider if you haven’t done so already: video.
Video is key to reaching new and keeping preexisting customers. The greatest opportunity here is educational-style videos. As of yet, “how-to” searches on YouTube are up to 70% year over year. By adding video to your marketing repertoire, you can significantly increase your search ranking on Google, too. Other reasons to hop on the video bandwagon include:
  • Increase brand/product awareness
  • Give your customers what they want
  • Boost email click-throughs
  • Capitalize on the low barrier to entry
  • Show up more in social feeds
  • Create more low-touch education options
  • Tell a stronger story
  • Increase conversions
  • Get more purchases
  • Track potential buyer consumption patterns
  • Easily create a multi-purpose asset
  • Make friends/followers easier
  • Create great content in a short amount of time
Now that you fully understand the why behind using video in your marketing strategies, let’s dig into the how.
  1. Introduce Yourself
Video makes everything easier to understand. Most people can’t read anyway or if they can, they’d rather be doing anything else, which is why showing them what you mean with fun colors and fast edits will retain their focus 100% of the time. Experiment with a video on the homepage of your website that outlines exactly who you are, what you do, and what you can do for them in less than 90 seconds (attention span diminishes by half every second afterwards). One very effective example comes from the ultra-famous Dollar Shave Club video:

  1. Share the Details of What You Do
Making another detailed video that can be featured on the “About” page of your website is one that explains what your company does for the customer. This is a great way to provide more information and help your audience decide what to buy.
  1. Customer Testimonials
Show off your service or product by using real people who love your product or service. This will be much more effective than hearing you tout your own winning characteristics. Most people go straight to the reviews on any product or service before considering a product or service. If you’re not on there, or you don’t proudly display

  1. Show Off Your Culture
What is culture content? Culture content is content that shows off who you are as a business. Customers want to know the real you, what you stand for, and what you like to do on your days off. This is especially important for small businesses because buyers want to like who they’re buying from, even if this is a subconscious desire.
So ,show off who you are. Maybe you’ll have quick chats with people on your team, or show a time lapse video of your office for the day, for example. People are often very interested in how the small business they buy from was founded. The Founders Brewing Company has a great example of this, especially because they really found the perfect balance between telling their story, sharing where they came from, and making it relevant to their customers and employees.

  1. Blog in the Medium Your Audience Craves
It’s amazing how many people love to watch video content. These days video blogs don’t have to be Hollywood-style production value. You can just as easily record a video using your webcam, sitting in your office, and receive the same sort of response Citizen Cane did back in 1941. Or use your iPhone to record some thoughts while you’re walking down the street!
  1. Thank Your Customers
Loyalty is critical when it comes to sustaining your business long term. Keep your customers around by making a video reminder that thanks them for their and support! It doesn’t need super high production value, it just has to come from the heart. Check out Constant Contact’s video as an example:

  1. Take Your Customer’s Behind the Scenes
The more transparent you are about what your business does, the more likely you’ll gain a track following. Show your audience what happens “behind-the-scenes” so your buyers can get a real picture from whom they are purchasing things. It doesn’t only apply to companies with products, if your company offers a service, you could certainly adapt the video to feature behind the scenes development of a service.
  1. Interview Experts and Spread the Reach
Bring in expert people who can talk intelligently about your product or service. You can interview folks right in your office or ask someone who understands what you’re doing. This type of leadership content is a great way to educate your audience. Start chatting with other marketers today!

Which video types have worked best for your company? Any new ones? Share with us or link to them in the comments!
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