Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Get the Most of Out Twitter’s Video Monetization Feature

Twitter Monetization, Now at Your Fingertips,” was posted a couple months ago on The Twitter Media blog. I understand if your schedule is already set from now until Christmas, but the expansion of their creator revenue programs will provide you with the ability to monetize your content and generate some serious new revenue. So what’s the lowdown on Twitter’s Video Monetization?
If a significant number of YouTube creators in your target categories start creating more Twitter videos, there are going to some very interesting new advertising opportunities—just in time for the holidays. We’re going to answer the following questions in relation to Twitter’s new revenue-generating feature:
  • How do you earn revenue with Twitter video uploads?
  • What makes video on Twitter different from video on other platforms?
  • What types of video attract audiences that attract advertisers?
  • Should creators go it alone or split the risks and rewards with a brand name partner?
  • What are the metrics that matter to not only to creators but also to advertisers?
According to CNBC, here’s the skinny on Twitter’s new deal: “Creators who publish videos on Twitter will get about 70% of the ad revenue, according to a source close to the situation.” Now, that’s potentially a better deal than YouTube’s Partner program, which gives creators 55% of ad revenue, and keeps 45% for itself. Facebook also offers a 55/45% split, but only to larger content creators like the NBA, Fox Sports, and Funny or Die. In contrast, Twitter is offering the 70% split to “creators of all sizes.”
#1 How Do You Earn Revenue with Twitter Video Uploads?
Twitter only asks creators to make a couple of picks before they can monetize their content. The first pick is whether or not to join the Amplify Publisher Program, which provides approved creators in the US with the ability to monetize their videos on Twitter. Pre-roll ads will run against their content and 70% of the ad revenue will be shared with creator. Program participants can either opt-in each video Tweet-by-Tweet, or pre-set monetization for all of their Twitter videos. Content can also be opted-in for monetization “100% non-exclusively,” which means creators can monetize it on other platforms as well as Twitter.
Niche helps creators work with leading brands on a campaign-by-campaign basis. A part of the Twitter family since 2015, Niche has already helped 35,000 creators worldwide work with top brands to develop authentic and engaging branded content as well as monetize their social presence across major social networks.
Last month, Twitter also announced some product upgrades that it claimed will make publishing and monetizing on Twitter “as effortless as sending a Tweet.” Creators can now upload, manage and publish videos across both Desktop (via the new Media Studio, which replaces and Mobile (via the Twitter Engage app, which now has a new “Earnings” section).
#2 What Makes Video on Twitter Different from Video on Other Platforms?
Some people believe that a video is a video is a video. But this is a mistake. For example, you use hashtags, not keywords, to help your videos get discovered on Twitter. You will be prompted to edit your Twitter videos to 2 minutes and 20 seconds or less in length. You’ll also need a different set of tools to identify Twitter influencers, who rival friends in building consumer trust.
Research has found that audiences who are emotionally connected are more responsive. For example, TV viewers who are emotionally invested in a show tend to recall ads they see, on TV and on Twitter and this drives a response. Of course, relevance also plays an important role. In an eMarketer study, subjects were shown a variety of ads and the most relevant and interesting ones received the most positive responses from viewers.
For example, research shows that moms are 67% more likely to research products using Twitter and 45% more likely to make purchases based on Twitter. Mothers control 77% of household purchases and they’re 3 times more likely to be high spenders of packaged food and household goods. More importantly, “Twitter moms” are also 3 times more likely to be early adopters, making them a highly desirable consumer segment that’s critical to a brand’s success.
#3 What Types of Video Attract Audiences That Attract Advertisers?
Getting lucky isn’t much of a business strategy. So, before creators of all sizes rush to make videos on Twitter, they might want to get their hands on a map showing what types of video attract the kind of audiences that attract advertisers.
The first thing that you’ll see is that 92% of Twitter video views happen on mobile. Next, you’ll notice that video views on Twitter have grown 220 times year over year. And if you look closely, you’ll discover that videos are six times more likely to be Retweeted than photos, and three times more likely than GIFs. This explosive growth in video consumption and sharing in a live environment like Twitter makes this as good a place as any to stake a claim and begin some exploratory digging.
#4 Should Creators Go it Alone or Split the Risks and Rewards With a Brand Name Partner?
While joining Twitter’s Amplify Publisher Program is an easy choice to make, joining Niche may also be a smart choice, too. So, imagine how quickly you’ll move to the top of the list of Twitter influencers in this category if you created videos about your most recent purchases and retweeted your favorite ads for computers, smartphones, tablets, TVs, cameras, headphones, wearable technology, and home technology.
Imagine how popular your videos on Twitter would be, to moms as well as to brands and their agencies, if you made videos of deals and sales on women’s apparel. Also, imagine striking gold by creating home improvement how-to videos, and including links to product pages where your followers can easily convert to purchase within a click or two.
Aim to become a Twitter Star by sharing product recommendations that align with seasonal trends, from Halloween to Christmas.
#5 What Are the Metrics That Matter to Creators & Advertisers?
Now, it’s good to know that over half of all brand videos posted to Twitter get their first views within 10 seconds of being posted. But, at the end of the day, creators will want to be able to show the metrics that matter to advertisers if they want them to buy more pre-roll ads that will run against their Twitter content. Creators will also need to measure key performance indicators (KPIs) to show the brands who work with them on a Twitter campaign.
Creators as well as brands and agencies should invest a serious amount of time thinking about whether or not to join Twitter’s new video monetization programs. You don’t want to wait until the beginning of next year to discover that other creators and brands have already found the mother lode.
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