Thursday, October 20, 2016

The Importance of Becoming an SEO Expert

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization for the uninitiated, has changed quite a bit in the last few years, thanks to the growing complexity of Google’s algorithms. The crux of Google’s algorithms is that if your site helps users achieve their goals, it should rank higher. It gives emphasis on offering a great user experience. A modern SEO expert, thus cannot restrict himself to the backend; he has to be proactive in ensuring that he offers a combination of methods to make the site rank well on Google. Today’s SEO expert needs a combination of technical, creative and strategic skills to be effective. Here are a few key components an expert SEO accomplishes:
Offers a Great Site Experience
An SEO expert really needs to put herself in the shoes of the user. What do users expect from a site?
  • It needs to load fast and on any device of their choosing.
  • It should be easily navigable
  • And it should help achieve their goals.
Mobile has already surpassed desktop as the most favored device. Google made it very clear that mobile-friendly sites will have better rankings. Thus, it is important to have a responsive design that makes it easy for users to visit and experience the site on their mobiles.
If the site can do all this and be aesthetically pleasing at the same time, your job is done. The SEO expert needs to work closely with the visualizer, programmer and UI/UX expert to achieve this objective.
Creates Different Content Formats
Content development should be strategically linked to content marketing. A QuickSprout post gives you different ways to achieve this. Some of them include:
  • Create content that which Wikipedia can link
  • Create content based on keyword data.
  • Ask customers questions and discover why they aren’t converting
  • Focus on indirect conversions.
  • Cross-link.
Leverages Content Marketing
Content development has come a long way from keyword and key phrase stuffing. Today, it is more about writing about interesting topics that entertain and inform. The content on websites needs to be unique, error-free and relevant. It should be interlinked within the site in such a way so as to offer comprehensiveness of information to the user. If the user can achieve his informational goal on a single website, Google will rank it higher. Also, emphasis needs to be given on creating different content formats like visual (videos, graphics) as well as audio (podcasts) content, apart from written content.
Targets Customers Locally
Targeting local customers is a simple way you can use SEO. If you are a local business, you can target local customers by using highly targeted keywords that denote geographical intent.
Target Customers Locally
When a user searches for a product or a service on Google, local listings are the ones that will always appear on top. Trends show that customers are more likely to click on these listings.
Get acknowledged as an authority.
Linking to other websites is no longer enough to make Google believe that you are an authority. Today, an SEO expert needs to build relationships with other bloggers and site owners to get a chance to publish on their sites. This can happen with the right mix of high quality content and PR. If your content is valuable, it will naturally attract more inbound links. This is seen by Google as a sign of credibility and trust.
Rich Snippets
A documented case study has shown that structured markup using Schema Microdata, GoodRelations and Google Rich Snippetsincreases CTR by as much as 30%. By being creative with the format, you can use Rich Snippets for a variety of web pages. You have to do testing to see how successful your Rich Snippets are in increasing your CTR and how you can adjust them to perform better. 
Use Rich Snippets to Increase CTR
From a SEO standpoint, Rich Snippets aren’t important, but they sure are effective in increasing click-through ratio. You can use Rich Snippets to show helpful information like ratings, reviews, pricing, etc. in the search results pages to attract customers.
Understands How the Importance of Technical Skills
Many experts will have you believe that since all Google wants you to do is give users the best experience and it will rank your site higher. But this is not entirely true. The modern SEO expert will definitely need skills beyond his usual technical repertoire as noted above but at the same time, needs more technical skills than what he needed a few years ago.
It is simply not enough to write quality content and reduce bounce rates to rank well on Google. It is an oversimplification of the SEO expert’s job. A short list of the technical skills that are required by the modern SEO has been put up by Rand Fishkin here.
SEO is a rapidly evolving phenomenon. As an expert, you have to stay abreast of the latest developments. Apart from emerging and traditional technical skills, you also need creative and strategic skills to make your site rank better. Also, it will help you avoid penalizations if you stick to the same old strategies that Google might one day deem as illegal. The margin for error is shorter than ever. Stay informed as you wear multiple hats.

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