Monday, August 22, 2016

How to Increase Website Traffic Using Twitter

As you may already know, the microblogging platform Twitter is an excellent tool for brands to stay connected with their customers, employees, fans, and business partners.
“We’ve found that Twitter has been a great way for us to connect on a more personal level with our employees and customers. We use it to help build our brand, not drive direct sales. It’d be like asking how does providing a telephone number for customer service translate into new business when they are mostly non-sales-related calls. In the long term, Twitter helps drive repeat customers and word of mouth, but we’re not looking to it as a way of driving immediate sales.” Says Tony Hsieh, CEO of
Twitter, when used correctly, can have a number of benefits—from the obvious: increase brand awareness, keep up with latest trends, promote blog content or photos, drive traffic to your website, to the not so obvious: boost your website SEO, gather real-time customer behavior, recruit potential employees. So, the benefits of using Twitter are abundantly clear, but where do you begin?
Buffer is a great way to drive traffic, increase fan engagement and save time on Twitter. It makes it easy to consistently schedule your Twitter content as well as other social media platforms. So, what is the best scheduling method?  Unfortunately, there isn’t just one sure-fire plan for every business. What works for one business might end in tragic results for another. Therefore, feel free to experiment a little and see what works best for you. If you need a little help getting comfortable, here is a method that your business might like to try:
  1. Choose 10 blog posts
  2. For each blog post, write 3 unique tweets
  3. Schedule these tweets using Buffer (2x/day)
Why two tweets a day? Although it might not work for everyone, two is a great way to stay in the minds of your followers without crowding their feed. A recent Buffer study showed that most brands tweet, on average, 19.5 times a week (about 3 tweets a day), so,know your demographic (teens and twenty-somethings tend to check their phones more frequently).
Timing is everything. You don’t want to make the mistake of tweeting something at 2AM when most of your followers are sleeping (unless you’re Taco Bell—which is most likely an optimal time to tweet). Play around a bit with posting times and see what sort of impact this makes on your follower engagement. Use notifications or analytics to keep up with follower responses and make a point to quickly engage with interactions.
Again, since this is an experiment, you’ll have to start somewhere. The most popular times on average word wide is noon. Although this might sound like the best time to tweet, you might find that your post becomes easily lost in the shuffle. For that reason, it wouldn’t hurt to really hone in on your specific demographic. Here are a few demographics to start with:

From these “experiments”, you may find that your website has not only gained in traffic, but in Twitter followers as well—a real win-win. But remember, it’s not enough to simply schedule and post. For maximum growth, make sure you are mixing in real-time engagement with your followers, including photos and videos, recycling your best-performing tweets, and don’t forget to hashtag!
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