Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Mobile Marketing Trends Not to Be Overlooked

Research shows that we use our smartphones 84 times each day, averaging 5 hours overall. That’s way more than you thought, huh? Well, it’s no secret how reliant we have become on our phones, which means mobile marketing is even more critical for brands than ever.
Ignoring certain trends that have sprung up over the last decade would put a serious hindrance on marketing results. Here are a few trends that every business should become familiar with and consider implementing before we hit 2017.
For the first time, Google has begun to include mobile apps in their first search page results. Where you would usually see ads, you can now find app recommendations right on top. If you are promoting an app of any sort, you should probably up your SEO game on those marketplaces. SEO, of all the trends, is definitely going to make the most impact.
Even if you don’t have an app, yet, it might be worth investing—considering apps make up a huge change of mobile usage these days.

Instagram Ads

Users on Instagram are more likely to engage with brand posts then any other social media platform. Just like on Facebook and Twitter, you can target your demographic according to location, interest, age, behavior, etc., but the promoted post looks very similar to organic content on a user’s feed. There is also a 30 second video option with files sizes up to 30MB.
The introduction of the carousel ads have helped advertisers showcase more products or lifestyle images. Similar to Multi-Product Ads on Facebook, users can swipe to see additional images within one post. This is especially useful to photo-based brands who want to show a variety of their work in a short time frame.

SnapChat and WhatsApp

These days, most people under 35 no longer use Facebook or Twitter. The reason for this is that SnapChat and WhatsApp offers a certain amount of intimacy between contacts. Users can share as many shocking or hilarious photos as they want, without having to worry about their entire family watching.
The social pressures of having to get likes on an Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram post is relieved because “snaps” can’t receive likes. It’s a chance to take your brand out of the office and show these curious consumers who you really are! Taco Bell has certainly jumped on the SnapChat train.

Multi-device Mobile Marketing

According to, consumers “often move from one screen to another while shopping.” About 65% of users start on a smartphone, 25% on a PC/Laptop, and 11% start on a tablet. And they all end up on another device at one time or another.
For this reason, there are several different devices you should be taking into consideration, including smartwatches and tablets. Times are changing and your marketing efforts need to reflect that.

Video Ads

Depending on where you are marketing, you may want to consider video advertising. YouTube is especially reliant on this form of advertising, so if you’re big on the Tube or any other video-based social platform, videos ads are great option.

Ecommerce and Social Combination

We are seeing a big socialization of online consumerism with “buy now” buttons featured on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest. Not only can you use these social platforms for direct sales and lead building, but you can make your own site more social.

New Payment Systems

Recently, Samsung’s “Samsung Pay” is a payment platform that can be used nearly everywhere. Services like PayPal and Apple Pay are also widely accessible on several different devices. They are secure, safe, and super fast!

Customized Lifestyle Apps

In today’s technology run world, apps are no longer accessories; they are lifestyles. People use apps on their smartphones to reflect and enhance the way they live. Need help getting in shape? FitBit or MyFitnessPal are great choices that offer freemium options. Need to manage your finances a better? Try Mint or Mintbills.
By creating a lifestyle-based app of your own, you can promote your products and services in a modern way. There are many businesses that offer app building services, but only one you can trust: Appmart.

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