Monday, August 22, 2016

Podcasts for the Personal Brand Entrepreneur

Podcasts are an amazing way for brands to develop their professional skills by learning new strategies and insight into the marketing world. Provided podcasts are portable and mostly free to download, tapping into a variety of perspectives and ideas from experts is easier then ever. They work like a special-interest radio show that you can download and listen at your own pace and convenience. All you need is a smartphone and a pair of headphones.
A good podcast has a few winning characteristics such as, engaging presentation, interesting ideas, variety while maintaining an overall theme, and short enough to fit comfortable into your busy schedule.
People love podcasts because they provide a certain sense of intimacy. Instead of traditional radio, peddling itself to demographic markets, podcasts appeals to unique interests, enthusiasm, all without losing the oral tradition of storytelling. Almost 20% of adults ages 18-29 listen to a podcast at least once a month, according to comScore. This rise in digital media consumption has made an impression on advertisers as well. According to ZenithOptimedia, U.S. advertisers will spend an estimated $35 million on podcast ads in 2016, up 2% from last year.
While the number of podcasts has taken off, a small group of publishers dominate the landscape. Here is a list of the top ranking podcasts so far:
  1. Revisionist History
  2. Harry Potter and the Sacred Text
  3. Ted Radio Hour
  4. This American Life
  5. Stuff You Should Know
  6. The Run-Up
  7. Planet Money
  8. Before the Grumps
  9. Serial
  10. Unsolved Murders: True Crime Stories
  11. Radiolab
  12. Science Vs
  13. Invisilbilia
  14. Fresh Air
  15. My Favorite Murder
The top ten podcasts listed make up for about 40% of all monthly podcast listeners in the U.S.
“The stand-out success of a few podcasts has tended to cannibalize spending that would otherwise have been spread across less successful podcasts, instead of expanding the market substantially,” Jonathan Barnard, head of forecasting at ZenithOptimedia, said in an email.

But there are plenty more to choose from, like 300,000 plenty more. For example, the podcast Youpreneur with Chris Tucker, is a great source of to grow your personal brand. It’s all about doing business “the new way” with tons of tips and tactics to help you start, run and support a growing business in the 21st century. Here are just a few of our favorite episodes:
  1. The Business of YOU: Why Building Your Brand is Paramount to Success
“P2P relationships are ‘people to people’ relationships, and that’s where I believe marketing is heading. People want to do business with other people – not big nameless chains and brands. I discovered when I created my own personal brand, people connected with me and were willing to buy from me. Their willingness to buy was based on our relationship: they knew me and trusted me.”
  1. How to Build Your First ‘Real’ Email Marketing Funnel
“On this episode we dive into why he pivoted, what the top six steps are for building your first marketing funnel and the finer points of email marketing. Join us for all of that and more on this edition of The New Business Podcast.”
  1. How to Convert Your Podcast Listeners into Email Subscribers (and Paying Customers!)
“The money is in the list. How many times have you heard that before? Countless I’m sure. But how do you move your listeners of your podcast over to your list? Are there effective ways of doing so?
Our guest for this episode of Youpreneur FM answers those questions, all while entertaining you with a voice that could make Wolverine purr! It’s none other than Mr. Tim Paige.”
  1. How to Launch and Grow a Membership Site
“To shed light on how to launch, manage and grow a membership site, I decided to invite author and strategist, Robbie Kellman Baxter onto the podcast. Robbie runs a firm focused on helping businesses in a variety of industries successfully implement membership and subscription services.”
  1. How to Build Your Brand on Facebook and Beyond
“Our guest for today’s show is proof you don’t have to be an experienced marketer to make a healthy income in the online world.
Kimra Luna bought her first iMac just two years ago, and turned it into a $750k profit not long after. She’s here to share how she did it, why community has been so vital to her success and what’s next for her.”
  1. Top Tips on Understanding and Navigating the Branding Landscape
“Branding, especially creating a personal brand, is something we talk about at length on this show. Today’s guest is well-versed in that area; she’s an expert on branding, both personal and corporate.
On this episode she gives us the four step process to getting our brand strategy right: strategy, identity, planning and then (and only then!) implementation. Too often she sees companies go straight to implementation. When that doesn’t yield results, the companies complain that branding doesn’t work when in reality they simply went about it in the wrong order.”
  1. How to Avoid Entrepreneurial Burnout When Building a Personal Brand
“On today’s episode of Youpreneur FM I share my personal recommendations on avoiding burnout and setting yourself up for the long-game of entrepreneurship. Listen in and take notes so you never have to go through what I did.”
If this podcast isn’t enough for you, below are a few of my favorite information rich podcasts for the brand entrepreneur:
  1. The Time Ferriss Show
  2. Smart Passive Income
  3. The A16Z Podcast
  4. Entreprenuer on Fire
  5. This is Your Life
As an entrepreneur myself, I understand how much hard work it takes to get to the top. Hopefully, these few episodes can help get you there, too, but they require you a lot of action on your part. Don’t overwhelm yourself by trying to do everything at once, take it day-by-day, episode-by-episode in order to, as Chris Ducker says, “move the needle!”
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