Monday, February 27, 2017

8 Movies Every Entrepreneur Should See

Last night’s Academy Awards were full of surprises and amazing films. Movies can tell stories that are life changing, thought provoking and motivational. These are some great movies that entrepreneurs and business leaders alike will find entertaining and inspire greatness.
The Social Network (2010)
This film tells the story of the founders of Facebook and the story of how the massively popular social media site got it’s start. From the early stages of development in a dorm room at Harvard University to the fallout between Zuckerberg and his co-founder Eduardo Saverin as Facebook’s popularity rises, to the lawsuit against Zuckerberg; this film is a dramatic and relevant story, especially for Facebook users. While all of the details may not be completely accurate, it is still highly inspirational, telling a story of success despite adversity. Watching this encourages turning your ideas into a reality.
The Pursuit of Happyness (2006)
Based on the true story of Chris Gardner, a medical device salesman and his young son, this emotional and motivational film is the perfect story of success in the face of adversity. After his wife leaves him alone with his son, Chris lands a six month training internship at a brokerage firm. The job is unpaid, and the pair ends up losing their home, and having no money. The father and son duo must live in homeless shelters, sleep in train stations, and try to make up for the money they have lost, all while Chris works to gain a position at the end of his training against multiple other candidates, which he does despite every struggle he has faced. With a powerful message to never give up and work for what you want no matter how impossible it seems, this movie will motivate you to take the next step to success. (2001)
A documentary following two longtime friends’ journey to develop a dotcom company and get rich, shows the struggle of Kaleil Isaza Tuzman and Tom Herman as they build their company Non-committal third parties, huge competition, economic stress and lack of assets held by the company all lead to the eventual strain of the pair’s relationships with each other, and with family and friends, as well as the eventual demise of the company itself. Entrepreneurs can learn about management skills and how to work with a growing company, how important it is to manage personal and business relationships, as well as serve as a cautionary tale for how friendships can be changed when business is brought into the mix.
The Devil Wears Prada (2006)
Anne Hathaway plays an assistant clueless about fashion to a high powered and merciless fashion editor played by Meryl Streep. The characters go head to head and battle their way through the film over not only fashion, but the demands of a difficult job that end up hurting many relationships and the decision to choose between a dream job and personal fulfillment. Branding, sales, movement through the corporate system and developing a work/ life balance are all important topics you can learn about in this film.
Thank You For Smoking (2005)
Pro-Tobacco spokesperson and lobbyist Nick Naylor uses his communication skills to debunk research on the harmful side effects of tobacco. While a huge lawsuit is pending against the whole tobacco industry, Naylor struggles to make a good impression on his estranged son while staying true to what his job requires. Some bad press causes Naylor to lose his job but his son gives him the inspiration he needs to push back.  He is offered his job back, but refuses it, a wise choice; as the tobacco industry settles the lawsuit and the company that he worked for closes. With the coaching from his father, Naylor’s son wins his school’s debate competition, and Naylor finds a new industry to spin. This movie, while humorous is a great example of public relations, communication, crisis management and negotiation skills.
Joy (2015)
Jennifer Lawrence’s portrayal of Joy Mangano, the inventor of self-wringing mop the “Miracle Mop” is inspirational for anyone that is an inventor or a “market disruptor”. Joy’s less than idyllic home life leaves her to find an escape in creating things. Her creation of the Miracle Mop leads her to become a high powered woman not only in the business world, but also cements her position as the matriarch of her family. Learn how you can overcome all of your battles and find success, and change a product for the better, even if everyone else says that the original is “good enough”.
Steve Jobs (2015)
Apple founder Steve Jobs was the soul of the company and he faced many struggles while building the tech giant. This biopic starring Michael Fassbender chronicles Jobs’ life from 1984 to 1998 and three huge product launches throughout the years. The depiction of his desire for control and to have things exactly the way he wants them shows how his personal and professional lives were affected by all of his decisions.  This film takes a hard look at what happens when a single person becomes the spirit of the entire company and the struggle to keep that company relevant and successful.
Moneyball (2011)
The story of the Oakland Athletics baseball team going into the 2002 season, Brad Pitt plays general manager Billy Beane. Worried about the loss of three star players to free agency status, with a limited budget, Beane has to think quickly to get the best players for the least money. Hiring a recent Yale grad to use statistics and computers to place value on no name players that can play just like those in the big leagues is the only hope of the team, but there is pushback and a lot of doubt from other team executives. After a rough start to the season, the team begins to excel and the unconventional way of picking players receives the acknowledgment that keeps Beane at his job and puts the team in good standing. Lessons from this film include innovation and a strong commitment to your vision.  

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Thursday, February 23, 2017

Examples Of Great Influencer Marketing

In my last post I discussed influencer marketing and its importance to the marketing strategy of businesses, especially in the age of social media and digital marketing. This post will focus on examples of influencer marketing campaigns that I think stand above the rest, and have the numbers to show for it as well!
Nick Offerman and Lagavulin Single Malt Scotch Whisky: My Tales of Whisky Holiday Edition: Nick Offerman’s Yule Log
This campaign started with Nick Offerman’s character on the popular NBC show Parks and Recreation and the character’s particular affection for Lagavulin Whisky. Offerman, the creative team of Parks, and Lagavulin had teamed up previously to create the My Tales of Whisky video series. The success of the original series led to the the holiday edition, a hilariously executed 45 minute one shot take of Offerman sipping whisky by a fire in total silence.

The video was released exclusively in a 3 minute version, then publicly in its 45 minute entirety, and then on Christmas Eve Day, due to incredibly high demand, a 10 hour version was released. Yule Log trended on social media almost immediately, earned 840 million impressions, increased YouTube channel subscribers and viewers.
Chanel New York Fashion Week #newchanel5

97% of fall 2016’s NYFW’s social media interactions occurred on Instagram. Fashion giant Chanel was garnering excitement for the release of their new fragrance, all through influencer marketing. By reaching out to top influencers on the photo sharing site, over 9 million impressions were made, with a branded hashtag (#newchanel5) used on more than 1,600 images. A top influencer in this campaign Jessica Mercedes Kirschner (@jemerced) is known for a lavish lifestyle and fashion sense to match. Her post alone received 26.8k likes and more than 100 comments in the first month it was posted.
Visit Las Vegas and DJ Khaled
To launch their new Snapchat account @VisitLasVegas, the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority brought on Snapchat influencer and the major key to the new account’s successful launch: DJ Khaled. Khaled toured around Vegas, showing his followers (he has 6 million of them) around his favorite spots of the city. The launch of the channel was on May 29th, 2016. After two days, the new channel clocked in at 25,000 new followers and 400,000 views. It’s no wonder why DJ Khaled is called “The King of Snapchat”
Jon Stewart and Arby’s
Jon Stewart was known for many things while on the Daily Show, and one of the gimmicks that he used often was making fun of Arby’s, bashing the products the brand puts out. But it didn’t seem like Arby’s minded. In fact, the banter between Stewart and Arby’s led to a highly successful influencer marketing campaign. When Stewart announced that he would be leaving the Daily Show, Arby’s sent this tweet:

Stewart brought up the tweet on his last day at the Daily Show and during a commercial break Arby’s aired their “Thank You For Being a Friend?” commercial and from there a great relationship was born.
Arby’s created two commercials starring Stewart, and even named a sandwich after him. Turning this critic into an influencer was both hilarious and effective.
Influencer marketing can happen in many ways, and certain strategies or campaign types won’t always be the right fit.  Try taking a look at different campaigns and trying to envision your business using these techniques with your influencers. Find what you can use for the best results or try something completely new. The possibilities with influencer marketing are endless!
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Monday, February 20, 2017

Defining Influencer Marketing

Everyone that has any experience in marketing has heard that one of the key techniques to gaining good press and becoming an authority in any vertical is gaining influencer support through influencer marketing. But what is influencer marketing and how can you use it to get the full benefits it can offer?
Simply put, influencer marketing begins with making connections with influencers that are able to connect, establish trust with, and sway your key demographics and target market.  Influencers are generally very active on social media, so pitching great content over social is extremely important to getting in contact with influencers. Though, as with any marketing technique there are always exceptions, especially as you get into more specialized fields.
Influencers are not your current, already loyal customers, but people in your field that have huge followings. People that are thought leaders and have their opinions talked about by many, regardless of if people agree or disagree with them. In a broad sense, an influencer simply starts a larger conversation with the masses. Many influencers are on Snapchat, YouTube and Instagram, and connect with their audiences through those channels. Top influencers in the marketing world include Jeff Bullas (@jeffbullas), Larry Kim of WordStream (@larrykim), and Lee Odden of TopRank Marketing (@leeodden).
The benefits of influencer marketing are arguably innumerable, but some of the biggest reasons marketers love having influencers on board as part of their strategy are as follows:
  • Admiration for influencers can lead to more sales due to word of mouth recommendations and warm reception of products and services, rather than paid advertising.
  • Social media is growing, and your business can grow with it. Having influencers link to your social pages not only grows your customer base and audience, but also can start to turn you and your business into an influencer as well.
  • Having influencers can also help your SEO. You’ll become more relevant and popular, which will rank you higher on Google and other search engines.
You may be thinking “this is great, but how do I integrate this into my marketing plans?” The first step to starting with influencer marketing is finding the influencers that your audience connects with. After you find these influencers you can start to look at what types of content these influencers post and start generating similar content. The next step of connecting with and pitching to influencers is often the most difficult part. Because the nature of being an influencer involves constant contact with people and businesses it can be easy for a mediocre pitch to fall through the cracks.  Create a strong pitch with great content and the chances that you will hear back are much more likely. It’s important to remember to change your pitches for each new influencer, and to remember not to put all your eggs in one basket.
2017 will be a big year for marketers and influencer marketing is going to be key for standing above the competition. My next post will focus on some of the best influencer marketing campaigns from years past. Stay tuned!
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Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Steve Renner Talks Rebranding

Join Steve Renner as he discusses trends in marketing, technology and  business. This episode focuses on creating an effective brand through rebranding. Watch it below.

Steve Renner has been involved in Internet Marketing since the ‘first days’ of the Internet. Technology has changed a great deal since he started, but Steve continues to be at the technological forefront. He continues to bring products to help your business.

Apart from being an Internet marketing pioneer, Steve is also passionate about writing. He has contributed chapters to books by Brian Tracy, Jack Canfield and Richard Branson, so that he can share his insights into a successful life with you.

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Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Best Marketing Apps for Small Business

Larger enterprises have the luxury of having several hands on deck helping with different aspects like marketing or sales. However, we all know that small business owners wear different hats, sometimes all of the hats. In order to streamline processes for busy entrepreneurs and small business owners here is a list of free easy to use apps to help with online marketing.
Asana is a platform designed to help businesses track work from projects, to conversations, to diversified notification types. The app is a dream for all the multitasking entrepreneurs that delegate or need to delegate work with their team. Streamlined processes and transparent work flow are some favorite features.
Google (Docs/Messenger)
Google Docs is a one of the most efficient ways for teams to share content. From slides, spreadsheets, documents, email and messenger Google is the one stop shop. Business partners and employees can collaborate and chat all in real time.
Facebook Pages Manager
Facebook is currently one of the biggest and cheapest ways to market your business online. Having a business page that is active and engaged is imperative for your business. The Facebook app is a simple and convenient way for keeping on top of scheduled posts, and answering direct messages from customers in a timely manner.
Twitter has been having a pretty tumultuous time in the social media realm but don’t let that deter you. One of the fastest ways to go viral, easiest ways to be engaged with your audience, and staying in touch with current events is still Twitter. The app is one of the easiest to use with great UI/UX and a small learning curve.
LinkedIn is the place to be especially if you run a B2B business. Although it can be difficult to reach an outside market, and despite ads being a bit pricey, LinkedIn is one of the most reputable social media platforms. It brings a large sense of legitimacy, and can help you find targeted leads. The app can have a bit of a learning curve but is manageable after a few uses.
Instagram is one of the fastest growing social media platforms right now. In the past few years they have added features that include business pages, live video sharing, and simple searchability. It’s a great place to showcase company branding and culture all in a sleek and clean app that’s extremely user friendly.
Fiverr is for all the entrepreneurs that sometimes need to outsource some duties. It’s an amazing marketplace to find nearly every kind of serve for your business for literally any price range. The website and app can be a little confusing to maneuver at first, as there are quite a few moving parts, but it’s well worth it.
Canva is made to help all the design challenged entrepreneurs create practical, aesthetically pleasing and professional looking images for social content, print material or email blasts. Canva has created templates for beginners and opened up a platform with enough artistic freedoms to those with a better understanding of design, or those who want to to learn.
MailChimp is one of the world’s largest email marketing services. Email marketing is still considered one of the top tools in the marketing world, and MailChimp makes the process of sending out those campaigns easier than ever. With an easy to navigate website and app, Email marketing is made accessible even for beginners.
Mashable is one of my favorite websites for keeping your ear to the ground as it relates to all things business, tech, social media, popular culture and where they all collide. Keeping up with the times is a great way to stay ahead of popular trends, find curated content and stay engaged with your customers.
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Thursday, February 2, 2017

Great Super Bowl Ads of the Past (And What We Can Expect To See This Year)

For Americans the Super Bowl means many things. Football, food, parties, and to many in marketing: the release of commercials. Super Bowl ads are one of the top spending categories for many businesses, and this year is topping the charts with one 30-second commercial costing $5 million USD. So before the big game on Sunday, let’s take a look back at the best commercials of Super Bowls past, and make some predictions for what ads to look for this year.
Coca Cola: “Hey Kid, Catch” (1980)

McDonald’s: The Showdown (1993)

Volkswagen: The Force (2011)

Mac: 1984 (1984)

Xerox: Brother Dominic (1977)
UPDATE: Xerox has aired a recreation of the brother Dominic commercial to showcase the company’s growth from where it began. It is not a Super Bowl ad, but seeing as the original is heralded as one of the first viral videos, it is an advertising move that is sure to strike a chord with those who remember the original 1977 ad. Watch it below.

Wendy’s: “Where’s the Beef?” (1984)

Dorito’s: “Magic Ball” (2009)

Mountain Dew Kickstart: Puppymonkeybaby (2016)

Teasers for this year’s commercials have been released and have been generating a lot of buzz. These are some of the most anticipated.
The web company was the first to ever introduce ad creative over Facebook Live. This  will be the third Super Bowl commercial for Wix. If this clip starring Jason Statham and Gal Gadot is any indication, this is one ad that is sure to make an impression.

Wendy’s hasn’t aired a Super Bowl commercial in 50 years, but their commitment to the fact that they only use fresh, never frozen beef is worth the $5 million dollar investment for an ad this year. But will this commercial be as transformative as “Where’s the Beef” was in the ‘80s?
One of the first brands to tease their ad for the game; Intel’s ad stars Tom Brady doing regular tasks, but in a very incredible way. The ad shows new 360 video technology that will also be used during the game itself. The teaser is exciting, seeing the full commercial is going to be even more so.

Speculation over this ad continues the use of Snickers’ popular tagline “You’re not you when you’re hungry”. 2017’s ad will star Adam Driver of “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” and HBO’s “Girls”. This ad is planned to film and air live during the Super Bowl.
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