Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Facebook Live for Business

Earlier this year, Facebook launched a new way to promote video content in the News Feed. Facebook Live, previously only accessible by celebrities, now allows anyone to stream live video from their mobile devices right to their page. Much like Snapchat and now the popular Instagram Stories, Facebook Live is another great way for a brand to build an authentic relationship with their customers using video. Except, you’re videos won’t disappear. You can use it to answer FAQs, increase engagement or general content marketing purposes.

So, how does Facebook Live work? Facebook allows users to use Facebook Live as a publishing tool right from their mobile device. The have recently announced that you can now you use your own video software or hardware to create professional looking vide content, but we’re going to focus on the former in this post:

Step 1

From your status bar, tap the “Live” icon at the bottom of the post.

Step 2

When prompted, allow Facebook access to your microphone and camera.

Step 3

After you hit “Continue”, choose your privacy settings. If you’re a brand, you’ll want to make it public. But if you’re just testing it out, you can set it to “Only Me”, which you can always switch later.

Step 4

Write an interesting description of what is about to broadcasted. This will show up in your followers’ New Feed as per usual. But to get people to tune in, make sure the description has some sort of call-to-action or eye-catching exclamatory.

Step 5

Make certain, before clicking “Go Live”, that your camera is pointing towards you.

Step 6

Then, click the “Go Live” button to begin broadcasting live. Facebook will give you a 3 second countdown to prepare yourself. Just as soon as you begin streaming, you live video will pop up in your News Feed and others. Your video can be up to 90 minutes long.

Step 7

In order to keep your viewers engaged and entertained, interact with them throughout the streaming process. Try speaking to them directly and then reading their responses in the comments section, or Twitter, or text. Or you can respond to them from another computer if that works for you.
If you need to, you can block viewers during a live broadcast by tapping their profile picture and tapping “Block.”

Step 8

Tap “Finish” to end the broadcast. Your post will automatically remain on your Timeline or Page as usual.

Extra Tip

Save the video to your camera roll. This way, you can use it for later purposes.
Now that you understand how to broadcast a video, here are a few tips on how to analyze your video’s performance. From the “Insights” tab you can see how Facebook Live allows users to analyze minutes viewed, unique viewers, video views, 10-second views, and average % completion, plus peak live viewers, people reached, reactions, comments, and shares. You can also click on individual metrics to see how the numbers changed over time.
Hopefully this guide will get you started with Facebook Live on the right foot. It truly is an amazing way for brands to connect more deeply, and faster with their fans and followers.
Like this post? Read more at http://steverenner.com/blog-2/

Monday, August 29, 2016

How to Instagram Like a Pro

The human eye can detect and understand visual information at a rate of three to four times a second. So, it’s no wonder the social photo-sharing app, Instagram remains one of the most popular mobile applications in the world. With over 200 million monthly active users, 60 million posts daily, 1.6 billion likes a day—if you’re brand isn’t on Instagram, you could be missing out on some major screen time. It’s popularity may seem complicated, but it’s simple science: faces engage us. Compare a selfieless feed to a feed full of selfies. More than likely, actually (according to the researches at Georgia Tech and Yahoo Labs) the one full of selfies is 38% more likely to have more followers. Here are a few other reasons Instagram remains the hottest form of social media on the planet:
  1. It’s social: People are social creatures by nature. Before the phenomenon of photo-sharing devices, there were old photo albums to flip through, a tangile book-like material that held a sense of nostalgic value. Inside the pictures faded at the corners, indicating time passed, reminding the onlooker that life, like these photos, doesn’t last forever. The onlooker would then close the album, and if only for a few moments, have a new found respect for the impermanence of all living things. But it was also super boring! These days, iPhone users have the ability to add creativity into their day and share a small piece of digital art.
  1. It’s totally free: Another reason Instagram is so popular is that it is a completely free sharing app. There are advertisements that pop up in a user’s feed, but they are easily curated to their interest.
  1. It’s instantaneous: Sleek and modern, Instagram’s interface is like no other photo-sharing device. With the introduction of “Stories”—a video sharing feature that allows only temporary visibility—instant gratification is even more easily accessible.
  1. It’s creative: Instagram allows regular people to create beautiful photos, collages, or illustrations all in one app. With it’s many editing features and filters, it turns even the most unlikely humbug into a regular Edgar Degas.
So, considering the information let’s talk about your goals for creating better, more likable content.

Create a Virtual Storefront

Like Helen Lansdowne said, “Sex sells.” Sleek, modern photography is far more eye-catching than a pixelated snap on an iPhone. Showcase your products in the best light by investing in a state-of-the-art camera, studio space, and professional photographer. Only post curated original images or regram posts that fit your over-all aesthetic. Adidas knows what I’m talking about:

Give Your Audience a Backstage Pass

Offer your audience a sneak peak into your brand’s creative process, new products/service, or events. Go beyond the product shots and show them how the shots were executed. It will allow your followers to engage with you on a more intimate level and build long-term fellowship. Purple Magazine is champion at doing this, giving their followers a glimpse into a magical world:

Show Customers How to Use or Style Your Products

Put yourself in your customer’s shoes and inform them on how to use or style your product/service. Give them helpful suggestions or hints on how to maximize a product’s potential. If you’re a clothing brand, put together outfits or show them the many ways you can tie a scarf. If you’re a makeup or skincare line, offer helpful tips on how to apply concealer or plan a healthy diet. Juice Beauty has this strategy down pat!:

Encourage Followers to Use Your Product/Service

Get in touch with your audience by sharing posts that include your product or service. Show your followers that real people use and are excited about your product/service. This is when hastags become crucial. Make sure you use hashtags to categorize your posts so that users with similar interests can easily find you. If you need some inspiration, American Apparel nails this every time:

In today’s competitive world of start-ups (About 93% of brands have an IG presence) Instagram is the obvious way to market content. But slapping photos on there isn’t enough. You have to think ahead and engage with people like you’ve never had to before. It’s hard work (a full-time job), but the rewards for having a fantastic following is high!
Like this post? Read more at http://steverenner.com/blog-2/

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Great Social Media Content You Should Be Creating

People love variety and social media is no exception. Users tend to jump from social media platforms throughout the day the same way they might a relationship. That’s because the best types of platforms offer users something unique from their competitors. Where Instagram offers a brilliant gallery and curated feed, Pinterest allows members to “pin” images, videos, and other objects to various pinboards.
For that reason, it’s important for brands to stay up-to-date on current social media platforms and trends. By continually introducing new content types into your social media lineup, you’ll keep your audience engaged. The Internet is an ever-evolving global system of interconnected computer networks, a network of networks carrying an extensive range of information resources and services. It is a highly complex system, made up mostly of file sharing—Love letters, business contracts, holiday snaps, spam, petitions, emergency bulletins, wedding announcements, TV shows, news articles, vacation plans, home movies, press releases, celebrity Web pages, secrets of every stripe, military orders, music, newsletters, confessions, congratulations—every shade and aspect of human life encoded as 1s and 0s. Taken together, they weigh roughly the same as the smallest possible sand grain, one measuring just two-thousandths of an inch across.
So, if you’re eager to explore, here is a list of a few cool type of social media content you should be creating:
  1. Custom GIFs

If a picture is worth a thousand words, a GIF is worth ten thousand words. Along with driving traffic and monster engagement, GIF’s can add variety to your feed, if not a lot of fun. Here are a few our favorite GIF-making tools:
  • Gipyh’s GIF Maker (turn videos and YouTube links into GIFs)
  • me (stitch together a series of images in a GIF)
  • Licecap (screenshot GIFs)
  • Invision (a wireframing and prototyping tool)
  • Cinegraph (a static image with movement in one part of the frame)
  1. Snapchat Stories

Snapchat is a great opportunity to market your brand on an authentic and spontaneous level. Kids these days don’t want to feel like they are being sold something, but rather ingomething, whether it be a product or service, which can be made useful to their identity. It’s not enough to say, “Hey, kids! This will make you really cool and it’s only $5.99.” They want to hear “What’s up, I’m cool, you’re cool, let’s be cool together, forever.”
The “stories” feature allows your brand to connect with consumers in a very intimate, creative way that garners trust over time. Here are a few of our favorite ways to use this fun feature:
  • Create title cards for longer Snapchat stories
  • Doing Snapchat takeovers with celebrities or partners
  • Using shortened URLs for links
  • Adding music over your snaps
  1. User-Generated Content (UGC)

Using UGC will help rack up loyalty points with your followers. Some unique benefits are making your customers the heroes of your story and giving your feed some much-needed variety. By regramming posts from your followers you also get to showcase your product or service in interesting ways. You can also ask your followers to submit photos of themselves with or partaking in your brand.
  1. Infographics

If you count early cave paintings, humans have been creating infographics for the past 32,000 years. This is because people respond more to symbols than any other form of communication. Think of a “stop” sign; if you were to take away the text, you’d still recognize that octagonal shape and red color as an indicator to pause. Here are a few neat tools that can help creating an infographic easier:
  1. Shareable Quotes

There’s something a good quote that sticks in your mind, sometimes even inspiring you to achieve something you never thought possible. Not only does it break up any visual feed, it teaches people too. Combining visuals with quotes are even better, but don’t stray too far from your brand’s beliefs. Share quotes that are relatable and boost your brand. Here are a few of our favorite quote sites:
Exploring new types of social media content strategies can be challenging, but a really great way to experiment with user engagement and brand appeal. See what your brand can come up with and don’t forget to have a bit of fun while you’re at it.
Like this post? Read more at http://steverenner.com/blog-2/

Monday, August 22, 2016

Podcasts for the Personal Brand Entrepreneur

Podcasts are an amazing way for brands to develop their professional skills by learning new strategies and insight into the marketing world. Provided podcasts are portable and mostly free to download, tapping into a variety of perspectives and ideas from experts is easier then ever. They work like a special-interest radio show that you can download and listen at your own pace and convenience. All you need is a smartphone and a pair of headphones.
A good podcast has a few winning characteristics such as, engaging presentation, interesting ideas, variety while maintaining an overall theme, and short enough to fit comfortable into your busy schedule.
People love podcasts because they provide a certain sense of intimacy. Instead of traditional radio, peddling itself to demographic markets, podcasts appeals to unique interests, enthusiasm, all without losing the oral tradition of storytelling. Almost 20% of adults ages 18-29 listen to a podcast at least once a month, according to comScore. This rise in digital media consumption has made an impression on advertisers as well. According to ZenithOptimedia, U.S. advertisers will spend an estimated $35 million on podcast ads in 2016, up 2% from last year.
While the number of podcasts has taken off, a small group of publishers dominate the landscape. Here is a list of the top ranking podcasts so far:
  1. Revisionist History
  2. Harry Potter and the Sacred Text
  3. Ted Radio Hour
  4. This American Life
  5. Stuff You Should Know
  6. The Run-Up
  7. Planet Money
  8. Before the Grumps
  9. Serial
  10. Unsolved Murders: True Crime Stories
  11. Radiolab
  12. Science Vs
  13. Invisilbilia
  14. Fresh Air
  15. My Favorite Murder
The top ten podcasts listed make up for about 40% of all monthly podcast listeners in the U.S.
“The stand-out success of a few podcasts has tended to cannibalize spending that would otherwise have been spread across less successful podcasts, instead of expanding the market substantially,” Jonathan Barnard, head of forecasting at ZenithOptimedia, said in an email.

But there are plenty more to choose from, like 300,000 plenty more. For example, the podcast Youpreneur with Chris Tucker, is a great source of to grow your personal brand. It’s all about doing business “the new way” with tons of tips and tactics to help you start, run and support a growing business in the 21st century. Here are just a few of our favorite episodes:
  1. The Business of YOU: Why Building Your Brand is Paramount to Success
“P2P relationships are ‘people to people’ relationships, and that’s where I believe marketing is heading. People want to do business with other people – not big nameless chains and brands. I discovered when I created my own personal brand, people connected with me and were willing to buy from me. Their willingness to buy was based on our relationship: they knew me and trusted me.”
  1. How to Build Your First ‘Real’ Email Marketing Funnel
“On this episode we dive into why he pivoted, what the top six steps are for building your first marketing funnel and the finer points of email marketing. Join us for all of that and more on this edition of The New Business Podcast.”
  1. How to Convert Your Podcast Listeners into Email Subscribers (and Paying Customers!)
“The money is in the list. How many times have you heard that before? Countless I’m sure. But how do you move your listeners of your podcast over to your list? Are there effective ways of doing so?
Our guest for this episode of Youpreneur FM answers those questions, all while entertaining you with a voice that could make Wolverine purr! It’s none other than Mr. Tim Paige.”
  1. How to Launch and Grow a Membership Site
“To shed light on how to launch, manage and grow a membership site, I decided to invite author and strategist, Robbie Kellman Baxter onto the podcast. Robbie runs a firm focused on helping businesses in a variety of industries successfully implement membership and subscription services.”
  1. How to Build Your Brand on Facebook and Beyond
“Our guest for today’s show is proof you don’t have to be an experienced marketer to make a healthy income in the online world.
Kimra Luna bought her first iMac just two years ago, and turned it into a $750k profit not long after. She’s here to share how she did it, why community has been so vital to her success and what’s next for her.”
  1. Top Tips on Understanding and Navigating the Branding Landscape
“Branding, especially creating a personal brand, is something we talk about at length on this show. Today’s guest is well-versed in that area; she’s an expert on branding, both personal and corporate.
On this episode she gives us the four step process to getting our brand strategy right: strategy, identity, planning and then (and only then!) implementation. Too often she sees companies go straight to implementation. When that doesn’t yield results, the companies complain that branding doesn’t work when in reality they simply went about it in the wrong order.”
  1. How to Avoid Entrepreneurial Burnout When Building a Personal Brand
“On today’s episode of Youpreneur FM I share my personal recommendations on avoiding burnout and setting yourself up for the long-game of entrepreneurship. Listen in and take notes so you never have to go through what I did.”
If this podcast isn’t enough for you, below are a few of my favorite information rich podcasts for the brand entrepreneur:
  1. The Time Ferriss Show
  2. Smart Passive Income
  3. The A16Z Podcast
  4. Entreprenuer on Fire
  5. This is Your Life
As an entrepreneur myself, I understand how much hard work it takes to get to the top. Hopefully, these few episodes can help get you there, too, but they require you a lot of action on your part. Don’t overwhelm yourself by trying to do everything at once, take it day-by-day, episode-by-episode in order to, as Chris Ducker says, “move the needle!”
Like this post? Read more at http://steverenner.com/blog-2/

How to Increase Website Traffic Using Twitter

As you may already know, the microblogging platform Twitter is an excellent tool for brands to stay connected with their customers, employees, fans, and business partners.
“We’ve found that Twitter has been a great way for us to connect on a more personal level with our employees and customers. We use it to help build our brand, not drive direct sales. It’d be like asking how does providing a telephone number for customer service translate into new business when they are mostly non-sales-related calls. In the long term, Twitter helps drive repeat customers and word of mouth, but we’re not looking to it as a way of driving immediate sales.” Says Tony Hsieh, CEO of Zappos.com.
Twitter, when used correctly, can have a number of benefits—from the obvious: increase brand awareness, keep up with latest trends, promote blog content or photos, drive traffic to your website, to the not so obvious: boost your website SEO, gather real-time customer behavior, recruit potential employees. So, the benefits of using Twitter are abundantly clear, but where do you begin?
Buffer is a great way to drive traffic, increase fan engagement and save time on Twitter. It makes it easy to consistently schedule your Twitter content as well as other social media platforms. So, what is the best scheduling method?  Unfortunately, there isn’t just one sure-fire plan for every business. What works for one business might end in tragic results for another. Therefore, feel free to experiment a little and see what works best for you. If you need a little help getting comfortable, here is a method that your business might like to try:
  1. Choose 10 blog posts
  2. For each blog post, write 3 unique tweets
  3. Schedule these tweets using Buffer (2x/day)
Why two tweets a day? Although it might not work for everyone, two is a great way to stay in the minds of your followers without crowding their feed. A recent Buffer study showed that most brands tweet, on average, 19.5 times a week (about 3 tweets a day), so,know your demographic (teens and twenty-somethings tend to check their phones more frequently).
Timing is everything. You don’t want to make the mistake of tweeting something at 2AM when most of your followers are sleeping (unless you’re Taco Bell—which is most likely an optimal time to tweet). Play around a bit with posting times and see what sort of impact this makes on your follower engagement. Use notifications or analytics to keep up with follower responses and make a point to quickly engage with interactions.
Again, since this is an experiment, you’ll have to start somewhere. The most popular times on average word wide is noon. Although this might sound like the best time to tweet, you might find that your post becomes easily lost in the shuffle. For that reason, it wouldn’t hurt to really hone in on your specific demographic. Here are a few demographics to start with:

From these “experiments”, you may find that your website has not only gained in traffic, but in Twitter followers as well—a real win-win. But remember, it’s not enough to simply schedule and post. For maximum growth, make sure you are mixing in real-time engagement with your followers, including photos and videos, recycling your best-performing tweets, and don’t forget to hashtag!
Like this post? Read more at http://steverenner.com/blog-2/

Friday, August 19, 2016

22 Pivotal Philosophies from the Best Marketers in the Business

In the past, marketing was usually tedious, repetitious, and painstaking. Working form the top down, brands had to make sure their plans were on scale to how many consumers were reached before resonated with enough buyers.
In today’s modern world, people are connected. With information at their fingertips, they can do their research, review products, and share sources openly. This post-interruption world has created a new way for marketers to engage with people from the bottom-up. Although this method has worked for some brands and businesses (musicians building support one fan at a time, politicians garnering votes door-to-door), it’s at an all time high as of yet.
As social technology continues to effect consumer behavior and data, every company will need to up the ante on their ability to communicate with personal networks online. In order to win, brands will have to apply this method turning consumers into valuable assets that support them from the bottom-up.
Smart marketers will know that good marketing is built on a foundation of sales, advertising, copywriting, and relationship building. Here are a few words of wisdom, from the top marketers in history. In order to grow your brand, it would be wise for you to listen:
  1. Mary Kay Ash

    “Pretend that every single person you meet has a sign around his or her neck that says, ‘Make me feel important’. Not only will you succeed in sales, you will succeed in life.”
  1. Blake in Glengarry Glen Ross

“You drove a Hyundai to get here. I drove an eighty-thousand dollar BMW. THAT’S my name. And your name is you’re wanting. You can’t play in the man’s game, you can’t close them – go home and tell your wife your troubles. Because only one thing counts in this life: Get them to sign on the line which is dotted. You hear me you? A-B-C. A-Always, B-Be, C-Closing. Always be closing. ALWAYS BE CLOSING.”

  1. John Caples

“To impress your offer on the mind of the reader or listener, it is necessary to put it into brief, simple language. No farfetched or obscure statement will stop them. You have got to hit them where they live in the heart or in the head. You have got to catch their eyes or ears with something simple, something direct, something they want.”

  1. Dale Carnegie

“When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but with creatures bristling with prejudice and motivated by pride and vanity.”

  1. Malcolm McLaren

“I always feel more comfortable in chaotic surroundings. I don’t know why that is. I think order is dull. There is something about this kind of desire for order, particularly in Anglo Saxon cultures, that drive out this ability for the streets to become a really exotic, amorphous, chaotic, organic place where ideas can, basically, develop.”

  1. Walt Disney

“We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.”

  1. Paul Maritz

“The Internet’s third generation is on its way. The drivers will be business-to-business communication, minimizing the total cost of ownership, and making it much easier for all customers to build a robust business presence online.”

  1. Charles Ponzi

“Even if they never got anything for it, it was cheap at that price. Without malice aforethought I had given them the best show that was ever staged in their territory since the landing of the Pilgrims! It was easily worth fifteen million bucks to watch me put the thing over.

  1. Mary Frances Gerety

“Sentiment is essential to your advertising, as it is to your product for the emotional connotation of the diamond is the one competitive advantage which no other product can claim or dispute.”

  1. Sophia Amoruso

“Abandon anything about your life and habits that might be holding you back. Learn to create your own opportunities. Know that there is no finish line; fortune favors action. Race balls-out toward the extraordinary life that you’ve always dreamed of, or still haven’t had time to dream up. And prepare to have a hell of a lot of fun along the way.”

  1. Lena Dunham

“Soon you’ll find yourself in more and more situations you don’t want to run from. At work you’ll realise that you’ve spent the entire day in your body, really in it, not imagining what you look like to the people who surround you but just being who you are. You are a tool being put to its proper use. That changes a lot of things.”

  1. Beyoncé Knowles

“Harness your haters.”

  1. Helen Gurley Brown

“There is no way to succeed and have the lovely spoils—money, recognition, deep satisfaction in your work—except to put in the hours, do the drudgery. If you give, you get. If you work hard, the hard work rewards you.”

  1. Estée Lauder

“Persistence. It’s that certain little spirit that compels you to continue just when you’re at your most tired. It’s that quality that forces you to persevere, find the route around the stone wall. It’s the immovable stubbornness that will not allow you to cave in when everyone says give up.”

  1. Tina Fey

“People are going to try to trick you. To make you feel that you are in competition with one another. “You’re up for a promotion. If they go for a woman, it’ll be between you and Barbara.” Don’t be fooled. You’re not in competition with other women. You’re in competition with everyone.”

  1. Seth Godin

“Perhaps your challenge isn’t finding a better project or a better boss. Perhaps you need to get in touch with what it means to feel passionate. People with passion look for ways to make things happen.”

  1. Charlyne Yi 

“Collaboration is just about finding people who are better than you at certain things and combining your powers. Like, if I’m not the strongest at playing piano, I’ll work with someone who’s really good at it and we’ll combine both our brains to write a song.”

  1. Ann Handley

“When we say to be authentic, we mean you should make it clear that your stuff has the stamp of an actual person or actual people and that that person or those people have the qualities (a point of view, a personality, a sense of enthusiasm for the subject, and suitability to your audience) that make for a compelling approach to content as a solid foundation for the start of your relationship with your audience.”

  1. Creflo Dollar

“The process of change is made up of subtraction and addition. Taking something off and then puttin something on.”

  1. Helen Lansdowne

“Sex sells.”

  1. Steve Jobs

“Technology is nothing. What’s important is that you have a faith in people, that they’re basically good and smart, and if you give them tools, they’ll do wonderful things with them..”

  1. Steve Renner

“It’s not just about making money, it about making a difference in peoples lives.”