Monday, April 18, 2016

Top Ten Email Marketing Secrets: Part 3

A Five-Part Series on How to Use Email Marketing for Your Business

Part 3: Getting Creative & Strength in Numbers

Welcome back to another installment of our Five-Part Series on How to Use Email Marketing for Your Business. At this point, we’ve discussed the effectiveness of personalized emails (from a person to a person), using social media to its fullest potential, the importance of timing, how automation can really amp up your email marketing campaigns, and clear and concise subject lines and content.
This time around, we’re focusing on the power of creativity (read: originality) and how strength in numbers can help bolster your reputation.
Think Outside the Inbox
So, your subject line is intriguing enough for somebody to open your email. Great! But that’s only the beginning.
Here’s the thing: A lot of email marketing campaigns pass through your inbox, and many of these emails are not only unappealing, they’re incredibly boring.
Snappy emails get results. Plain and simple. They catch users off-guard, in the best way possible.