Monday, April 18, 2016

Top Ten Email Marketing Secrets: Part 4

A Five-Part Series on How to Use Email Marketing for Your Business

Part 4: Common Mistakes

Welcome back to another installment of our Five-Part Series on How to Use Email Marketing for Your Business. We’ve been discussing many of the things that can make your email marketing campaigns great, such as personalization, getting social media savvy, importance of timing and frequency, automation, snappy subject lines, creative content, and boosting your social media numbers (there’s an app for that).
This time, we’re shifting gears.
Sure, there are plenty of do’s when it comes to effective and efficient email marketing. But let’s talk about the don’ts, the pitfalls and flubs, all those common mistakes that’ll send your messages straight to the SPAM folder, or worse, send your subscribers unsubscribing.

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