Monday, April 18, 2016

Heavy-Hitting Digital Marketing Trends 2016: Part Two

Part Two: The (Near) Future Is Now

Digital trends typically change so gradually that we don’t fully realize it until we’re holding the change in our hands. For example, in 2016 the number of smartphone users worldwide is predicted to reach 2.08 billion. That’s a pretty significant chunk of the global population as a whole. Ten years ago, very few of us would’ve seen this coming. Another one: When Facebook launched, back in 2004, it was called Thefacebook, and it was available exclusively to college students. Now the little social network that could has completely shifted the way humans communicate. It’s difficult to know which digital trends will take off (Netflix, Amazon), and which won’t (AOL, WebTV). But a little heads-up on which digital marketing trends will (probably) dominate in the year ahead is always a good place to start.
Here, we’ll uncover a few more of the biggest (projected) digital marketing trends slated for 2016.