Monday, April 18, 2016

How Mobile Apps Can Help Your Business: Part 2

Part Two: Thinking about Starting a Mobile App? Here’s How.

These days, a mobile-friendly website alone won’t cut it. More midsize and small businesses are launching their own mobile apps. Restaurants, beauty salons, design firms—all types of businesses are following the mobile app trend to ensure a more user-friendly experience. Are you?
Let’s discuss the how-tos of designing, building, and launching your own mobile app.

How-To: A Helpful Guide

The mobile app trend is new, constantly changing, and, in its own way, intimidating. Here, we’ll demystify a few things about how to get started on your own mobile app.
Know Thyself
A clear objective for why you want to create a mobile app for your business is critical before getting started. What’s the purpose of your mobile app? What do you hope to accomplish? How and why are you hoping to make your business more user-friendly? What problems will your mobile app presumably solve? Answer these questions, and you’re ready to begin.
Lay the Groundwork
Start by developing sketches about the layout and design of your mobile app. This is the conceptualization stage. Think logo, features, colors. What type of aesthetic is your business hoping to impart? Minimalist? Fun? Information-rich? Some conceptual sketches will help your team get going on turning this idea into a reality.