Monday, April 18, 2016

Announcing Acesse Mail: Email for You

Billions of people use email every day. They conduct business, send reminders, letters, everything. During the average workweek, 33% of a person’s time is spent checking, reading, or sending email. And a lot of email is being sent: roughly 200 billion a day. That number is greater than the amount of people who have ever lived. It’s greater than the number of stars in our galaxy. It’s…a lot.
Email has been around for a long time. It’s literally older than the Internet. Although Ray Tomlinson is credited for having invented email in 1971 (he picked the @ symbol still used today, and sent the first networked email), electronic mail, in some rudimentary form or another, dates back to the 1960s, when messages were sent electronically at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Email has undergone countless iterations: By 1985, emails were common among professionals like academics, military personnel, government workers, and college students; 1996 gave us Hotmail, one of the first web-based email services; we then saw AOL and others, until Gmail became pretty standard in 2007.
Email is not only important, it’s essential. It’s how we communicate in today’s world. But there’s more to email than sending and receiving messages—there’s an identity involved. Your email service of choice says a lot about you. Really, there are only a few popular choices: AOL, Hotmail, Gmail, etc. Until now…
Acesse is excited to announce our exclusive email service, Acesse Mail!