Monday, April 18, 2016

Top Ten Email Marketing Secrets: Part 5

A Five-Part Series on How to Use Email Marketing for Your Business

Part 5: The Rundown
Welcome to the final installment of our Five-Part Series on How to Use Email Marketing for Your Business. By now, you know the drill: We’ve covered personalized emails, social media, timing and frequency, automation, subject lines and creative content, and those dreaded email marketing pitfalls to avoid.
As our series winds to a close, we’ll do a little reflecting, as well as touching upon a few new points of email marketing interest.
Email Marketing: Back to Basics
Before you send any emails at all, whittle your list down to a targeted and segmented group of prospects. In other words, know your customers. That way, you’ll avoid the SPAM folder.
Now, if you know your customers, you know they’re busy. Keep initial emails tight—three to four sentences. Pique some interest, land some engagement, and then open up the conversation.
Again, your subscribers are busy. Sometimes a follow-up email is required. One effective follow-up strategy is to forward the original email, along with a brief message, such as, “Did you get a chance to look this over?”