Monday, April 18, 2016

Five Steps to Creating Shareable Content

Social media likes are one thing—and, in their own way, likes are a type of currency. But shares are where it’s at; a share will organically generate outreach for your post. One person shares a blog or social media post, and then another, and another. This happens behind the scenes, building brand awareness, expanding your digital footprint and data trail. And it’s easy! All you have to do is create content worth sharing.
Quality over Quantity. But Also Quantity.
The Internet is logjammed with tips on how to create shareable content—much of it is helpful, some of it is ambiguous. The ambiguity lies mainly in generalizations, like, “Just post good content and watch the sharing commence!” That’s great, but what constitutes “good content”?
It’s about quality. That’s a no-brainer. Audiences want to share content that is both instructing and engaging, something of value to themselves and their social media network. To create this type of content, start by doing your homework. Who is your audience? Who is their audience? What type of content are they already sharing? Who are they already following? Once you’ve gathered the answers to these essential questions, you can begin to generate relevant, actionable, and potentially shareable content.
By posting any type of content online, you’re engaging in a rapport with your audience. The key here is to engage in the type of back-and-forth rapport (you post, they share; they post, you share) that will establish a strong and ongoing relationship.