Monday, April 18, 2016

Part One: Old School Marketing Techniques for the Digital Age

Part One: Back to Basics

The world of marketing is more advanced than ever before, and it’s constantly evolving. It’s 2016, and while self-driving flying cars are still (only) a couple years off, we can connect with friends, family, and business partners almost anywhere on the planet with a swipe of our index finger. What’s more, marketing has never been easier. But we’re in the thick of the Digital Age, and it’s getting thicker. While global connectivity and B2C accessibility is standard, the digital marketplace is a crowded one. And while digital marketing techniques are constantly changing at a rapid-fire pace, some old standards still hold true.

Out with the Old, in with the New (and Some of the Old)

Testimonials: Let Your Reputation Speak for Itself
Long before Chipotle’s recent (conspiracy-fueled) E. coli debacle, they were wizards of non-traditional marketing strategies. Of these strategies, the casual dining chain implemented word-of-mouth marketing right out of the gates. Back in 2012, Chipotle spent a mere $6 million on advertising; Arby’s, the smallest large fast-food chain, spent roughly $100 million, and McDonald’s, the biggest, spent more than $650 million. How’d Chipotle achieve so much by spending so little? They got people talking.
Populating your business website with testimonials might seem old school, but with so much competition on the digital marketing landscape, referrals really matter in generating new business. By showing potential customers success stories, they’ll be more likely to convert. When you get testimonials, use them everywhere: in advertising, on your website and social media, and throughout direct marketing efforts. In other words, get people talking.